Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wave of the Future: Cellphones as Instructional Tools

While scanning over the July 15, 2009 Education Week,an education newspaper,notice for an upcoming webinar sponsored by Sprint caught my eye. The topic: Cellphones as Instructional Tools intrigued me. For those not familiar with webinar,the definition of webinar provided on the notice states: “Webinars are just like seminars, except you participate at your desk, using your computer to view and listen to the presentation (or,you can listen through your phone).”

The topic fascinated me enough that for the next several hours I was on the computer surfing the internet looking for information on the topic. Much to my surprise, what I learned was there are currently already several pilot programs in U.S. schools, North Carolina public schools being one of them, using this mobile device as an instructional tool.

In March, 2007, NC Department of Public Instruction announced “a pilot education program, Project K-Nect, using smartphones as a supplemental resource for secondary at-risk students to focus on increasing their math skills. Ninth graders in several public schools in the State of North Carolina received smartphones to access supplemental math content aligned with their teachers’ lesson plans and course objectives. Students communicate and collaborate with each other and access tutors outside of the school day to help them master math skills and knowledge. The smartphones and service are free of charge to the students and their schools due to a grant provided by Qualcomm, as part of its Wireless Reach™ initiative.”

It appears that the movement to mobile-learning is gaining attention and momentum around the world. According to the article by Katheleen Kennnedy Manzo in Education Week’s Digital Direction, “The Mobile Learning Conference this past winter drew educators and researchers from around the world, and a research conference in London this fall on hand held learning devices is expected to draw some 1,500 participants, many of them already convinced of the value of the tech tools.”

One of the proponents of using mobile technologies to engage and motivate students, Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan education and computer science professor, points out that mobile devices are already a must have piece of equipment among young people and its critical role in workplaces today. According to Soloway, “This is the knowledge-worker age, and every knowledge worker has mobile learning, mobile computing; the mobile device is their hub around which all work takes place.” Soloway argues that, “If we’re going to prepare kids for the knowledge-work marketplace, then mobile learning’s got to be what we prepare kids to use.”

Technology use is unstoppable. As educators for 21st century citizens, we need to be up on what is currently happening with technology use in the schools. Whether we agree with the use of mobile device in schools as an instructional tool or not, we better be prepared for it because “mobile-learning proponents are now working more aggressively to document the effect that small, hand-held technologies can have on learning, and to come up with evidence-based recommendations for using them.” We can either embrace the wave of the future or step off the speeding train and retire to the Island of Isolation-your choice.

For the article “Making the Case for Mobile Computing” go to
Additional information on Project K-Nect can be found on K-Nect/Home.html.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

English as a Second Language Learner in the class.

How will I assist an English as a Second Language learner in my classroom?

By creating a classroom community based on inclusion, respect, and differentiation for all learners, an effective learning environment can be established for every student. To be able to benefit from their education experiences, verbal language proficiency needs to be the first goal for ESL students. Parent volunteers are invaluable resources to tap into for assistance in individual reading activity to help in language proficiency development of ESL students. One of the tried and true means of learning languages is the use of language tapes. Books on tape and music especially formatted for children are great tools to encourage listening and verbal skills. In this wonderful age of technology, many different educational sites have audio language lessons that are design to teach English to non English speaking students.

Aside from providing proper tools to help ESL students learn all the contents that have to be covered, the other important factor that we as teachers must examine is our own cultural and personal values. Empathy is a must. Teachers need to put themselves in the shoes of the student who, in addition, to having to learn content materials but must learn them in a language they are not proficient in. Teachers should ask themselves, can I be successful in any of the third grade subjects if they are presented to me in another language that I am not well verse in? If the answer is no, then help your students in the ways you would want to be helped to be successful.

Truths, facts, and lies…

Are there biases in history? Absolutely. Which collection of facts and data about specific subject matter and how they are to be recorded all depend on the point of view and perspectives of the person writing the account. Are we to take what is in print as the absolute truth? I don't believe so...

Personally, when studying events of the past, I view them from the standpoint that history involves the never ending flow of information between the present and the past. Point of view and interpretations of the past should be viewed knowing that they are subject to change based on new evidence, new perspectives gained by the passage of time. It is unavoidable for historians to not be influenced by the spirit of the times. Therefore, to avoid being influenced by subjective viewpoints based solely on another’s opinions or the pervasive sentiments of the times, history needs to be examined with an open mind and constant research.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Presentation Reflection

How sweet it is to have 25 attentive and engaging 3rd graders when presenting a lesson! Their active participation and willingness to sing along in a language they do not know clearly showed they were interested, fascinated, and receptive to learning. This teaching experience was a very positive one for me. It was the silver lining to the stress of lesson planning. I knew the students’ interest was stimulated when they started to sing along with me rather then repeating after me. What a sweet moment!

Some things I did that helped make this lesson a success: checked for student’s existing knowledge first by having them tell me what they know about tune or melody and lyrics; focused the lesson using only one song, modeled by reading the lyrics (in Chinese-PinYin) of song. Encouraged whole class participation through choral reading of the lyrics, and provided positive feedbacks and encouragements not only to the class but also to individual students.

If I could do the lesson again, I would have a more clearly defined summarization to the lesson. Perhaps if the lesson was used as the “hook” lesson for a unit focused on understanding different aspects of diverse cultures, closure and summation could be better expressed.

I will never think of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star just as another children’s song. It now has a deeper meaning for me. Whenever I hear this song from now on, the memory of those happy smiling 3rd graders’ faces will remind me why I want to teach.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is memorization of facts and figures really "pointless"?

Scientific studies over the past few years have suggested that using our brain on a regular basis is critically important for maintaining our mental capability. Researchers have shown that most people can keep their mental capacities from declining just by doing simple things on a regular basis, such as reading the newspaper, playing chess, learning and memorizing poetry, maintaining social interactions, or attending lectures or performances. Memorizing data exercises the brain which improves cognitive functions. Perhaps, we, as soon to be educators need to look at memorization from a different angle.
From a simplistic viewpoint, it is knowledge versus understanding. I agree with Tapscott that memorizing facts and figures to satisfy testing is a waste of time. However, if committing key data to memory aids in developing meaning and clarity for understanding about historical events then it is necessary. According to Bloom, “understanding is the ability to marshal skills and facts wisely and appropriately, through effective application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.”Memorization of data is part of marshaling skills and facts wisely and appropriately. I do not agree that one should take such an absolute stand as Tapscott that “memorizing facts and figures is a waste of time”. There needs to be more thought and research based data available before I can say I agree wholly with Tapscott.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thank goodness learning never stops.

Why bother with questions if answers are already given? Let’s start with the definition of “question”. According to Encarta Dictionary, the definition for question is "written or spoken inquiry, a request for information or for a reply". The key word here is inquiry. If the purpose is to seek information, solution, or response and they are already provided, there is no need to ask. If all have been given, inquiry is not taking place. Why bother to know how to do anything if everything is done for you? So, my response to the question, “If the textbook contains the answers, then what are the questions?" (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005, pg. 125) is there will not be any questions. How very sad for all human beings where curiosity is what drives the quest for knowledge.

Like Bob James, the teacher highlighted in Understanding by Design, my education experience was very similar to his in that the content of courses I have had was not “explicitly framed around important, thought-provoking questions” (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005, pg. 125). Especially during elementary to middle school years where instructions revolved mostly around answering questions at the end of chapter units. Since I was always good at memorization, my grades were good. Now, in retrospect after having a better understanding to Backward Design planning, I have to ask myself, was there even a hint of profundity in my education? Yes, I have acquired knowledge, but could there have been more if I was provided the opportunity to go beyond the surface layers of the contents?

I arrived at my “aha” moment after further reading about Backward Design planning. For areas that I have inordinate interest and curiosity in, I have always delved deeper into those topics on my own and made it a point to develop some expertise in them, but even that is not enough without the benefits of essential questions to provoke profound reflection. What I really have in those areas of personal interest is an abundance of knowledge with superficial understanding. Good news is that I am in control of my own learning and I can affect a change to my own learning process. What a wonderful challenge! It may take time, but like everything in life, a journey requires one to take the first step. So I am taking that first step for myself and will share the process with my future students to help them achieve not just knowledge and skills but also understanding in the subject areas they will be learning.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another level of learning…

By nature, I am a planner (no surprises there), but much to my dismay, after reading about Backward Design planning, it dawned on me the process I had been following for the majority of lessons I planned thus far were in actuality not designed following any type of plan. Instead, what I had been doing was simply filled in the blanks making sure key elements that had to be included in the lesson plan were included. My thought process was engaged and my plans were not bad, purpose, goals and objectives, process of instruction, and assessment were all there. The difference was they generally do not have much depth and I wondered now if the students learned much.

Another eye opener for me was when I read the example lesson plan for the unit on “Apples” in the Introduction of the book, I was impressed with the description of all the activities that were planned and was even thought to myself how those related activities were good examples of interdisciplinary connections. When Wiggins and McTighe noted that the lesson was an activity-oriented design that was “hands-on without being minds-on”, I went back and reread it using the 3 stages of Backward design as an evaluation criteria. Immediately, I saw that it was a lesson with a lot of fluff with very little substance to promote meaningful learning. I have to admit that I was disappointed in myself that the fluff “hooked” me.

The only time I used a process to design a lesson that was most similar to Backward Design planning was in the Science course from Summer Session I. We were required to plan a lesson using the 5 E plus lesson plan format. The planning process followed closely with the Backward Design planning stages where objectives and assessments were established first before the learning activities were planned. That plan was not easy to develop. In addition to length of time involved, a lot of research for subject content had to be conducted. I do have to say though, having to establish first the objectives and assessments made planning learning activities much easier and the research time spent was in fact very rewarding. I now have more knowledge about the Human Skeletal system than I care to admit. Science, a subject I never had much interest, now has more appeal to me because of the time I spent in boneing up my own knowledge.

The 3 planning stages of Backward Design planning makes perfect sense to me. Until the desired outcome to instruction is clearly defined and measurement of learning established to make certain what the teacher set out to teach was indeed learned through meaningful activities aligned to objectives and assessment, a lesson plan will not have much depth. I like the Backward Design planning process. Much time will be required to think through and develop the Big Idea for the lesson. However, once an end result is clearly established, I am convinced the rest of the planning will follow. It will be a challenge for me, but I look forward to developing a whole unit of lessons.

Friday, July 3, 2009

N.C. Museum of Art

My personal opinion: Art adds color and dimension to life, without it the world would be pretty dull.

Most of the times, when I visit art museums I do not participate in docent led tours. However, after yesterday at the art museum, I can now appreciate their importance and the wealth of knowledge and information one can gain from them. Until yesterday, I never knew that in almost all paintings, the colors red, orange, and yellow are key colors that focus one’s attention to a painting. After the docent mentioned this snippet of information, I started to look for those colors in every painting we viewed. I found each and every one of the paintings, regardless of time periods or format, had in them the attention grabbing colors red, orange, and yellow. Wow! Another piece of art information learned.

After the field trip, I now have a better idea of how to integrate art into interdisciplinary instructional approach. I especially liked the display showcasing students’ work. From one of the art projects, I saw an example of integrating mathematics into art. Instead of numbering each drawing, the student employed mathematic operations and their answers to guide the sequence of the pictorials. It was a wonderful example of applying knowledge learned from another subject and incorporated it into art.

Although the walk from Meredith to the museum was not a long distance, it was a hot day. I believe perhaps an earlier time in the day when the temperature is slightly cooler may be a better time to do the walk. Unfortunately, the museum closes at 5 pm Tuesday to Thursday, if not for the time conflict, the regular class time would be an ideal time to saunter from Meredith to the Museum of Art.

Museum of History Field Trip

Although I had been to the Museum of History many times, as a parent chaperon, interested individual seeking historical knowledge, or to introduce out of town visitors to sites in Raleigh, seeking instructional resources had never been a purpose for me to be at the museum. The museum field trip experience provided me with a totally new motivation for visiting museums. For the first time, I actually paid careful attention to the exhibits and information plaques, relating them to different curriculum content and how I might be able to utilize the vast array of resources offered by the museum for an interdisciplinary teaching approach in all subjects. From connecting flight and motion to science, to the weight of a backpack soldiers during the Civil War carried to mathematics, to size of corn before practices of contemporary farming, and to laws and rules governing even the most unruly of groups, the pirates, the museum has available more than enough resources to help me plan engaging units of instructions.

My personal view of students today is that most consider events, places, and people from the past to have little or no impact on the lives in their contemporary world. People today are very focused on the NOW rather than the past or future. Students of today are future citizens of tomorrow, without places like the Museum of History to provide engaging programs and exhibits to offer them information about the past; students miss out on opportunities to learn and understand that history from the past shapes the present of today and impacts the future of tomorrow.

As I left the Museum of History after our field trip, I cannot help but let out a sigh of relief knowing that there is a place here in Raleigh for me to turn to for resources and help when I am trying to provide relevant instructional lessons to our citizens of the future.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an annual plan? Why start with resources in designing units?

To be successful in any endeavor, first and foremost, there must be a plan in place. An annual plan provides structure for instructional goals that are aligned to content areas an effective teacher aims to accomplish during the school year. An annual plan, in essence, is the framework that will guide instruction through out the school year. Through a broad but comprehensive plan for the year, the teacher establishes a basic blue print for subject contents that are to be covered in all disciplines for the entire school year. In addition to being a guideline for content, it also serves as a timeline for teaching different subject matters. Without an annual plan, teacher would be operating in the dark and in constant chaos. It is hard enough to provide engaging and meaningful lessons for students, without a well thought through plan to follow, effective teaching will be severely compromised.

The greatest drawback to an annual plan is the time it will take to put together a well organized and comprehensive plan that will encompass a full and broad curriculum. Even though the time necessary to develop an annual plan may be considerable, in the long run, it will be time well spent.

How can any one start a task or project without knowing what resources are needed or available? It would be akin to start baking a cake without first checking if all the necessary ingredients are available and on hand. When planning a unit, unless resources are readily available and accessible, the efforts that go into the planning process would be wasted. Resources are key components to any lesson. They are the means to provide interest, meaning, and backup for appealing lessons that students will want to be engaged in.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

In all six areas of social studies, the attributes of meaningful, well-planned lessons consist of thematic focus that are interdisciplinary, engaging and interesting, have relevance for the students, allow students the opportunities to apply their knowledge, and can be extended beyond the classroom.
Lessons that are interdisciplinary connect social studies with other subjects. They are thematic based and are organized around the whole curriculum which can include components from science, mathematics, language arts, music and art. Boredom does not exist when students engage in lessons that can peak their interest and curiosity. Students are more likely to remember hands-on-learning activities when they are actively and personally involved. Making musical instruments out of straws is much more interesting than listening to teacher lecture about the mechanics of sound and vibration.
A history lesson about World War II becomes more real when they hear actual experiences from veterans. Students may even have relatives who lived during that time period and can share experiences and stories about victory gardens, war bonds, gasoline scarcity, and food rationing. After lessons in economics, students can apply what they learn to the relationship between earnings, spending, and the value of a sound workable budget to take care of necessities such as housing, food, clothing, and transportation. Lessons should provide knowledge that students can apply and extend beyond the classroom and connect them to the global world in which they live. Having understanding of diverse cultures that are representative of the world fosters better understanding and brings the world closer to home.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

first blog

This is my first blog ever. I am not sure how I feel about this, but willing to try anything new, so here we go...